In this guide, learn how to use OTBR Web GUI to form the Thread Network. Then, choose a supported platform and build a Joiner device.
To set up a Border Router, refer to OpenThread Border Router Build and Configuration.
Form the Thread network
The recommended way to form a Thread network is via the OTBR Web GUI. When doing so, change all the default values on the Form menu option, except for the On-Mesh Prefix.
Make note of the Passphrase used. This passphrase is the Commissioner Credential and is used (along with the Extended PAN ID and Network Name) to generate the Pre-Shared Key for the Commissioner (PSKc). The PSKc is needed to authenticate the Thread Commissioner (the external device) to the network.
The Thread network can also be formed manually on the command line of
OpenThread POSIX, using ot-ctl
Initialize a new operational dataset:
sudo ot-ctl dataset init new
DoneSet the network credentials:
sudo ot-ctl dataset panid 0xdead
Donesudo ot-ctl dataset extpanid dead1111dead2222
Donesudo ot-ctl dataset networkname OpenThreadGuide
Donesudo ot-ctl dataset networkkey 11112233445566778899DEAD1111DEAD
DoneGenerate a hex-encoded PSKc by using a Passphrase (Commissioner Credential), the Extended PAN ID, and the Network Name with the PSKc Generator tool on the OTBR. Make sure to use the same Extended PAN ID and Network Name that was used in the operational dataset:
cd ~/ot-br-posix/build/otbr/tools
./pskc j01Nme DEAD1111DEAD2222 OpenThreadGuide
198886f519a8fd7c981fee95d72f4ba7Set the PSKc:
sudo ot-ctl dataset pskc 198886f519a8fd7c981fee95d72f4ba7
DoneCommit the active dataset, set the on-mesh prefix, and form the Thread network:
sudo ot-ctl dataset commit active
Donesudo ot-ctl prefix add fd11:22::/64 pasor
Donesudo ot-ctl ifconfig up
Donesudo ot-ctl thread start
Donesudo ot-ctl netdata register
DoneConfirm the network configuration:
sudo ot-ctl state
leader Donesudo ot-ctl pskc
198886f519a8fd7c981fee95d72f4ba7 Done
Prepare the Joiner device
Build and flash a device with OpenThread, to function as the Joiner. For an overview of building OpenThread, see the Building Guide.
build option to enable the Joiner role.
Specific instructions on building supported platforms with GNU Autotools can be found in each example's platform folder.
When commissioning a Joiner, it's important to understand the following terms and concepts:
Joining Device Credential: You'll need to provide a Passphrase to commission a device, for example
. This Passphrase is separate from the Commissioner Credential you created when forming your Thread network, and has different requirements:- Must be a string of all uppercase alphanumeric characters (0-9 and A-Y, excluding I, O, Q, and Z for readability), with a length between 6 and 32 characters.
The Joining Device Credential might also be referred to as Join Passphrase, Joiner Password, or PSKd. This Passphrase is used to authenticate a device during Thread Commissioning. You can also use it with a device's EUI64 value to generate a unique QR Code.
PSKd: Pre-Shared Key for the Joiner. The PSKd is the Joining Device Credential when it's specifically encoded in binary form.
EUI-64: 64-bit Extended Unique Identifier, for example
. This is a Joiner device's factory-assigned IEEE EUI-64, used to generate a QR code and uniquely identify a device.
Once the Joiner device is ready, obtain its factory-assigned IEEE EUI-64. Use
the eui64
command in the OpenThread CLI:
Select Commissioner type
The OpenThread Commissioner provides the OT Commissioner CLI to externally commission a device.
The OT Commissioner CLI runs on the same host machine as OTBR. In the next guide, learn how to use the OT Commissioner CLI to connect to a border router and commission a new device.